Naturae for Affreschi & Affreschi | 2023
The creative genesis of the collection of Affreschi & Affreschi by Fabio Novembre was born as a reaction to the extraordinary situation in which humanity found itself in 2020. In contrast to the anthropomorphic spaces in which we have
been forced for weeks, the following period saw the emergence of an irrepressible desire to return to nature and the primordial origin of things, a reappropriation of the places of our historical and cultural heritage and landscape, a rapping to what is most primitive and strictly necessary remains in the human essence, far from artificial and artificial social constructs. It is in this context that the graphic design of Fabio Novembre develops that starting from Italy, seen with a renewed look and from an irremediably different perspective, passes through the technique of camouflage, understood as mimesis with the animal universe and as a challenge of any war event, arriving at handprints, a strongly symbolic series depicting the sign that in our limited experience of life we leave in the World.