La città dei bambini

Novembre Studio won the competition to design the Pediatrics department of the Nuovo Policlinico of Milan announced by Fondazione De Marchi with a project that will be developed on a competition area of 12,000 square meters with different functions, including hospitalization, waiting and spaces dedicated to leisure activities. The concept is based on the idea of transforming the spaces involved in the intervention into a city fit for young patients, the “La città dei bambini” Each environment of the new pediatric area has been architecturally designed to recreate a familiar context and contributes to the elimination of the feeling of stress caused by being away from home, promoting instead the children’s approach to the places they live, as if they were part of their neighborhood. The corridors then become the avenues of the city, while the wards will be the patients’ houses and will recreate a home environment, both in terms of the choice of materials and the level of customization.

“We don’t know how to cure, but we want to take care; accompanying along the path of hospitalization by harmonizing spaces, relieving anxiety and restoring that world of color that every child has inside him or her.” Fabio Novembre